BFVBHLPR.DLL ==================================================================== This is a small DLL (4,704 bytes) provided to any VB programmer who wishes to use it. By using it, you assume full responsibility. However, I have not experienced any problems with it. The DLL contains several functions which are useful w/ VB (for windows). It includes obtaining 32bit pointers to VB and user defined data types, getting a VB String from a Null terminated string (LPSTR), separate a DWORD (long) into it's LOWORD / HIWORD, combine two integers to form a DWORD, obtain an integer value from a 32bit pointer to an integer, obtain free, used, and/or total space of a disk. I have included a demo that you can run from VB if you have version 3.0. The included BAS file contains all of the proper declarations for each available function. You may want to include this file in any projects that you utilize the bfvbhlpr.dll in. See the included source code (bfdlldemo.mak & bfdlldemo.frm ) for examples of the calls. Submitted by Brian Fry, 70732,1327